What if you are selling suits, computers or luggage? People either already have enough or they need to buy these things once in a blue moon. I find it hard to understand why people would try and promote and advertise these products the EXACT same way as the every day products. You need to push yourself in front of them just to get the attention you need. BUT, after that all you have the consumers attention. You still have to show the consumer why they need to buy your product. Which is tough because people are not always traveling or going to a dressy event or work for someone who has a strict dress code. So, how the heck are you supposed to compete.
Apart from my obvious answer, you have to make them LOOK, YOU also have to do all of the work. Try being different, instead of creative a TV commercial or a radio ad or putting something in the newspaper, lets make life as easy as possible for the consumer. Get out there, in public, with your product and have a little show and tell. You remember in school.... Just like that. Go to where the people are and make it so easy to find out about your product and get a personable type of interaction. Nothing can show what a product is like a real person. Yes, people like to read, but do they really like to read about your product? I think they would much rather hear you tell them about it. But, not like the sales person who has set up a kiosk in a mall. Find a place, and just start talking. It doesnt matter if someone is listening or not. In fact, the less you show that you want people to listen, it seems like they will listen. Its very complicated, but also makes complete sense to me. Unconventional marketing done right will peak the curiosity and have the consumer wanting more.
So remember, you have to make them LOOK and YOU have to do all of the work.
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